Clearing a Path

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."  Mark 1:3

I recently wrote an Advent post about this verse for another site. This particular passage has stayed with me so  intensely that I've penned this month's post after it.

I've spent a great deal of time pondering just what this means for me. Where in my life am I not making room for the Lord? It's bee a heady question which has resulted in some disappointing discoveries... And yet, that's good for it has fostered some much needed changes. I guess you can say I've been clearing a path for the Lord in my own heart as I've approached this Christmas season.

Christmas is truly a wondrous time, but we can easily over-complicate it. I've seen it happen. Expectations overrule grace. Perfectionism overrules joy. Busyness overrules connecting, and we miss the Savior while we go about fulfilling our own mandates.

But how do we keep things centered? What is the key to preparing the way in our lives for the Kingdom of God to invade all throughout the Christmas season, and then long after?

I think the answer is found in the manner in which Jesus entered into our earthly realm - simply and unimpressively, humbled as a babe, relying on mere humans for his every need. He could've chosen a more grand entrance. After all, he is God. But I am struck anew by the fact that he looked upon the lowly of heart, a simple couple stuck in a barn with no five star hotel room in which to lay their heads, much less birth a Savior. 

They welcomed him into their world giving all they had to offer knowing what it would eventually cost. They had long since prepared the way in their hearts, which is why the Father chose them. Fame was of no consequence. Reputations had long since been forsaken. Convenience wasn't on the table. Maintaining a pure heart and honoring the Lord was all that mattered. Therein lies the answer.

How will you prepare your heart in this Christmas season? What does it look like for you to honor the Lord today with all that's on your "To Do" list?

Jesus, in the busyness of our days, help us to be still and to create a place for you in our work, in our home, and in our coming and going. May we be a dwelling place where you Spirit finds it's rest.


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