Stir the stagnant waters of my soul.
Merge me with your river, which brings life.
I don't have all the right words to say
that will provoke you to want me, anymore than you already do.
So won't you come. Come like you promised.
Pour out your Spirit. Pour out your Spirit.
Won't you come. Come like you promised.
Pour out your Spirit. Pour out your Spirit.
Overcome the darkness of my night.
Jesus, be the strength of my life.
Reaching past my hiding,
Oh, reach beyond my right.
Oh Lord, flood my soul with your love.
Won't you some. Come like you promised.
Pour out your Spirit. Pour out your Spirit.
Won't you come. Come like you promised.
Pour out your Spirit. Pour out your Spirit.
I was listening to this song tonight while doing some writing. The reality of these words and the significance of this day, Christmas Day, simply overwhelmed me.
Of all the ways he could've come, he chose to do so as one of us to this broken world and that, to me is unfathomable. But to come for the mere purpose of reconciling us to God through the sacrifice of his own life, is worthy of a day, a month, a lifetime of celebration.
Jesus, today we celebrate you for you are the one gift we simply cannot live without.
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