Resolute Words
It's a new year and this is just as good a time as any for a new post! If you're like many people, you've probably made some resolutions you'd like to accomplish in 2013. Not me. I don't make resolutions, or at least I don't call them that. Perhaps some would call them goals, but for whatever reason I do not like to put a title on my unofficial list of things I'd like to do in the coming year. In fact, it's not even an actual list. I know. It seems complicated, but my system works for me!
Maybe this is why so many people fall short of fulfilling their New Year's resolutions. To me, making such a big deal out of creating a list and then setting out to do those things involves too much pressure. I like to take everyday as it comes and make room for new things naturally, within the normal everyday ebb and flow of life. I, too, have had many years where I gave up on my resolutions all too soon. This way of doing things just seems to work better for me.
My unofficial list, as I stated before, isn't really a list. I do spend some time at the end of each year thinking about what I'd like to do, where I'd like to be and who I'd like to become over the next twelve months. From there, my unofficial list just sort of evolves.
While visiting with a friend this week, sharing our hopes and dreams for the coming year, she mentioned wanting to spend some time each month learning something new. I was so thrilled to hear her say that because one of the things that was important to me was personal enrichment - intentionally learning and trying new things. So we've already signed ourselves up to take a beginners quilting class! Now that may not be your cup of tea, but we're ecstatic about it. Remember, this is my unofficial list.
I've decided to really press into relationships this year; loving on a deeper level, and I want to have a clearer revelation of the Father's love for me which is where it all begins. I am convinced that love truly makes the difference. It never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:8, but you really should just go ahead and read the whole entire passage, starting from verse 1 - 8 in The Message version. POWERFUL!)
It can heal. It can forgive. It can overcome offenses and it can transform broken lives. Look around. The need for love like that is truly overwhelming.
There's more to my unofficial list than just these I've mentioned here, but this is all I am willing to share. A girl must have some things she keeps just for herself and her God.
This new year ahead is full of limitless possibilities. If we try too hard to make things happen and focus all of our energy to that end, we will most likely fail and neglect other areas of our lives which desperately need our attention. However, if we do nothing, care for no change, no transformation at all, we'll get just what we desire - nothing. We were made for more than just a sedentary existence. We were meant to flourish!
My wish for you in this new year is that you would do just that - flourish, "prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
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