Are You Infected?
Read Luke 2:8-11
“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people." Luke 2:10
I can't think of a show full of more exuberance and joy than The Price is Right! I know. It's not what you were expecting, but we've all seen it. So think about it for a second.
There's an audience full of perfect strangers, each one hoping against all hope to have their name called. But when a name is called everyone cheers and high fives the new contestant as they make their way, usually running madly, down the aisle to take their place in Contestant' Row. You rarely see anyone crying or looking on with sad faces. They all seem genuinely happy for those whose names are called.
Think about it. This is just a game we're talking about. As Believers, we have an even greater hope. So let me ask you. How would you measure your joy quotient? Are you infected with joy?
Certainly, at Christmas we tend to focus more on the gift of Jesus. For those of us who believe, this season takes on greater meaning, or it should. Are we truly embracing the joy of the gift of Jesus or getting too caught up in the outward demonstrations of the holidays - the gifts, the shopping, the endless parties and celebrations?
Maybe some of us have little joy at all. Our year has been marred by loss, pain and disappointments. I am so sorry if that is you. I do not want to minimize the difficulty of your situation because I've been there, but I do want to offer this to you.
We have a living Savior, the hope for our brokeness. He came to this world, not to make everything all right, but to give us life and life abundantly (John 10:10). And we can have that life in both good times and bad, sorrow and joy, pitfalls and mountain tops. It's our birthright as Christians. However, we must choose to embrace it.
You see joy is a gift which dwells in the depths of our souls. Even when the world around us is shaking, joy abides. True joy cannot be diminished by our circumstances.
So I want to ask you again. What's your joy quotient? Is your heart alight with the joy of the season, or is it heavy, focused on things that have robbed peace, your comfort, your joy?
Focus on Jesus today. Allow your heart to be reminded of this Indescribable Gift (2 Corinthians 9:15), and then embrace joy.
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